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Veris U3 Soil Sensor

Veris ® U Series scans a field’s major physical, biological and chemical properties to help you manage each acre to its full potential. It’s a new soil sensor solution to help increase profitability by removing errors in alternative precision management zones.

Quick info


The Veris ® U series scans the main physical, biological and chemical properties of a field to help you manage each acre to its full potential. It is a new ground sensor solution that helps increase profitability by removing bugs in alternative precision management zones.

  • Deep penetration EC array for root zone analysis
  • True color sub-surface scan
  • Fast, repeatable pH detection unit

The Veris ® U series allows rapid data collection in a wide window of soil and crop conditions. The reduced total required investment and the high value of the data help the consultants and their growers to see immediate positive returns from their investment. Continuous indications of soil texture (EC) and soil organic matter The fast pH unit detects deceleration and interruption for collecting measurements in 8-10 seconds. Altitude data are mapped to ground data for topographic slope and curvature characteristics.

Continuous indications of soil texture (EC) and soil organic matter The fast pH unit detects deceleration and interruption for collecting measurements in 8-10 seconds. Altitude data are mapped to ground data for topographic slope and curvature characteristics.

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