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Veris MSP3 Soil Sensor

The Veris MSP3 soil scanner is a unique sensor platform by means of which, in one operation, 4 important soil variables and the altitude are charted. The Veris soil scanner is built up of 3 sensor systems which can also be supplied separately. While driving at about 8 to 15 km/hour, the system measures the acidity (pH), the organic matter percentage and the EC at growing depth (0-30cm) and in the root zone (0-90cm). Scientific research, carried out by PPO (Applied Plant Research) Lelystad, has shown that the maps by the Veris MSP3 are very reliable.

Quick info


The Veris MSP3 soil scanner is a unique sensor platform by means of which, in one operation, 4 important soil variables and the altitude are charted. The Veris soil scanner is built up of 3 sensor systems which can also be supplied separately. While driving at about 8 to 15 km/hour, the system measures the acidity (pH), the organic matter percentage and the EC at growing depth (0-30cm) and in the root zone (0-90cm). Scientific research, carried out by PPO (Applied Plant Research) Lelystad, has shown that the maps by the Veris MSP3 are very reliable.

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