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icon_widget_image Δευτέρα-Παρασκευή: 9πμ - 5μμ icon_widget_image Γεωργίου Κατεχάκη 1, Θεσσαλονίκη TK 54627 icon_widget_image +30 2310 287166 +30 2315 535565 icon_widget_image info@tractorgps.gr sales@tractorgps.gr

Trapview Pest Monitoring System

Quick info


Trapview technology allows remote monitoring of insect population growth in real time. Using smart pheromone traps with built-in cameras, the Trapview system analyzes and updates through the online platform for insect evolution in your field, enabling prognosis and timely detection of crop enemies.

Automatic trap: the energy-independent and weather-resistant trap, sends photos of trapped insects.

Cloud editing: all photos of the trap are stored and analyzed on our online platform. Recognition technology identifies and names ‘caught’ insects.

Web Application: The online application provides advanced analytics tools for presenting data and helps in making decisions to effectively address issues in the field.

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