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icon_widget_image Δευτέρα-Παρασκευή: 9πμ - 5μμ icon_widget_image Γεωργίου Κατεχάκη 1, Θεσσαλονίκη TK 54627 icon_widget_image +30 2310 287166 +30 2315 535565 icon_widget_image info@tractorgps.gr sales@tractorgps.gr

Spectra Laser GL720

  • X axis tilt adjustment range +/- 10%, Y axis tilt adjustment range 25%
  • Slope Adjustment Display Resolution 0.001%
  • Fully airtight, waterproof and durable, capable of withstanding falls from 3m height
  • Range 900m

Quick info


The Trimble Spectra GL720 series is an easy-to-use leveling system and offers great range, high precision and dual slope leveling capabilities. With a slope range of -10% to + 10% on the X-axis and -0.5% to + 25% on the Y-axis, combined with a 900m working range. the leveling laser is capable of any earthwork. The GL720 system is compatible with all mechanical grade leveling systems.

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