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icon_widget_image Δευτέρα-Παρασκευή: 9πμ - 5μμ icon_widget_image Γεωργίου Κατεχάκη 1, Θεσσαλονίκη TK 54627 icon_widget_image +30 2310 287166 +30 2315 535565 icon_widget_image info@tractorgps.gr sales@tractorgps.gr

Handheld GPS Juno T41

  • Suitable for field scouting, ideal for tree cultivations
  • Mapping of field and trees
  • Data entry per plant or tree
  • Possibility of field zone management
  • Connected with Farm Works Mobile application for integrated management
  • Wide range of accuracy depending on the receiver
  • Durable construction for field use (IP65 index)

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The Juno T41 is a rugged, all-in-one device that reduces total cost of ownership compared to durable or consumer-grade smartphones. Mobile workforce solutions based on a single device can be more efficient than requiring workers to repeatedly handle at least two: a rugged handheld computer and a cellular phone. Return on Investment is also enhanced through increased efficiency from your workforce: user applications will transfer data to and from the cloud, while they maintain voice communication with managers who can make faster, better decisions based on real-time information. The Juno T41 can be used with GSM cellular service providers around the world.

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