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Drone XAG V40

To Drone psekasmoú XAG V40 eínai éna epanastatikó agrotikó mi epandroméno drone diploú élika pou allázei ta dedoména me veltioméni apódosi ptísis kai katanálosis enérgeias.

Axiopoióntas tous nómous tis aerodynamikís, to drone XAG V40 boreí na chrisimopoiísei ta kathodiká révmata ton elikón sto 100% óste na voithísei ta stagonídia tou psekasmoú na dieisdýsoun se óli tin fyllikí epifáneia kai ton kormó ton fytón. I dieísdysi ton stagonidíon afxánetai sto diplásio se sýnkrisi me ta synithisména psekastiká drone. Aftó simaínei óti i technología tou XAG V40 elachistopoieí to spray drift kai meiónei tis epikalýpseis/kená, prosférontas omoiómorfo psekasmó .

Epipróstheta, to XAG V40 ypostirízei tis technologíes RealTerra, RevoSpray, kai RevoCast system, me tis opoíes oi chrístes boroún chrisimopoióntas to ídio drone, péran tou psekasmoú na parágoun ypsilís efkríneias chártes, na kánoun lípansi í sporá kánontas chrísi ligóteron eisroón.

Óson aforá ton psekasmó, me 20kg choritikótita dexamenís kai plátos ergasías to opoío ftánei ta 10 métra, to XAG V40 boreí na diekpaireósei psekasmoús me paragogikótita pou angízei ta 160 str./óra. Aftó to epípedo paragogikótitas xeperná ta antagonistiká drone ídias choritikótitas.

Charaktiristiká XAG V40:

  • Sýstima diploú élika rythmizómenis klísis, schediasmémo gia agrotikí chrísi
  • Technología Diacheírisis Ptísis néas geniás SuperX4 Intelligent Flight Control
  • Polyleitourgikós schediasmós gia Psekasmó/Lípansi/Chartográfisi
  • Radar Pollaplón Katefthýnseon: Akrivís antílipsi kai apofygí empodíon
  • Akríveia ploígisis RTK, gia akriví plíros aftónomi ptísi kai ypostírixi 5G
  • Statherá Kathodiká révmata méso ton diplón elikon afxánoun ti dieísdysi tou psekasmoú stin kalliérgeia
  • Peristaltikí Antlía ypsilís apódosis 10L/min kai akrofýsia fygokentrikoú psekasmoú
  • Epastatikós Schediasmós diploú élika: pio synkentroména kathodiká révmata, ypsilóteri energeiakí kai kinitikí evelixía
  • Modular architektonikí, epitrépei tin anadíplosi ton vrachiónon meiónontas ton synolikó ónko tou michanímatos sto 1/3
  • Proigméni technología batarías polymerón lithíou, choritikótitas 962Wh me éxypno logismikó diacheírisis enérgeias gia mégisti apodotikótita kai tacheía fórtisi méso tou systímatos GC4000+ Auto SuperCharge Station se mólis 11 leptá
  • IP67 Prostasía

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The XAG V40 Spray Drone is a revolutionary rural unmanned dual-propeller drone that changes data with improved flight efficiency and power consumption.

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The XAG V40 Spray Drone is a revolutionary rural unmanned dual-propeller drone that changes data with improved flight efficiency and power consumption.

Utilizing the laws of aerodynamics, the XAG V40 drone can utilize downstream propellers to 100% to help spray droplets penetrate the entire leaf surface and trunk of plants. The penetration of the droplets is doubled compared to conventional drone sprayers. This means that XAG V40 technology minimizes spray drift and reduces overlays / gaps, providing even spray.

Additionally, the XAG V40 supports RealTerra, RevoSpray, and RevoCast system technologies, with which users can use the same drone, in addition to spraying, to produce high-definition maps, fertilize or sow using fewer inputs. / p>

In terms of injection, with a 20kg tank capacity and a working width of up to 10 meters, the XAG V40 can handle sprays with productivity of up to 160 rpm. This level of productivity exceeds competing drones of the same capacity.

XAG V40 Features:

  • Adjustable tilt double propeller system, designed for agricultural use
  • New generation SuperX4 Intelligent Flight Control Flight Management Technology
  • Multifunctional design for Spraying / Lubrication / Mapping
  • Multidirectional Radar: Accurate perception and obstacle avoidance
  • RTK navigation accuracy, for precise fully autonomous flight and 5G support
  • Constant downstream currents through the double coils increase the penetration of the spray into the crop
  • High efficiency 10L / min Peristaltic Pump and centrifugal spray nozzles
  • Double-helix Design: more concentrated downstream currents, higher energy and kinetic flexibility
  • Modular architecture, allows the arms to be folded reducing the total volume of the machine to 1/3
  • Advanced 962Wh lithium polymer battery technology with intelligent power management software for maximum efficiency and fast charging via the GC4000 + Auto SuperCharge Station in just 11 minutes
  • IP67 Protection
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